International Alliance for Non-Flying Birds

Announcements Let's Welcome Our New Intern!

Let’s Welcome Our New Intern!


Let’s Welcome Our New Intern!

A disadvantaged background doesn’t have to be a barrier to success! The International Alliance for Non-Flying Birds is an equal opportunities employer, in this case meaning lowering the bar a little.

We are about to present you our new social media & communications intern who is not only a journalism dropout and sadly named after an airborne reindeer, but also up until very recently.. a frequent flyer!

Oh yes, we at IANFB are up for a challenge. He says he likes penguins though, maybe that helps. Please welcome Abraham Rudolph van Montfoort. He will be with us in the coming year on a part-time basis.

Dr. A.J. Tučniak
Secretary-General of the International Alliance for Non-Flying Birds (IANFB). Visionary leader. Grumpy without tuna.


    • Dear Mr. Jon,

      The IANFB is honoured by your application and would like to consider you for the position of ‘Correspondent African Penguin Affairs’.

      Yours sincerely,
      Dr. A.J. Tučniak

      PS A bit of fish sent in an anonymous package to our headquarters might help to grease the wheels


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