News and Media

IANFB News and Media provides a suite of multimedia products and services covering the work of the IANFB, both at Headquarters and around the world, to support the work of the international news media.

By IANFB News – ‘we keep our ears to the ground’

  • Bird Development Index 2022
    The twelfth edition of the Bird Development Index (BDI) finds that the average global score has fallen from 5.94 in 2018, to 4.32. Driven by sharp regressions in North America and northern Europe, most categories that make up the global average score have deteriorated. Although there were some dramatic downturns in the scores of certain […]
  • Stop Discriminating Emus! (letter to the Australian Prime Minister)
    Brussels, August 31rd, 2020 Regarding: Systemic Non-Flying Bird Discrimination Dear Mr Morrison, As you’re probably aware, we at the IANFB have great admiration for the nation of Australia. It is a free, prosperous and mostly democratic bird-friendly country. On the most recent edition of the Bird Development Index (BDI) Australia ranked a respectable third place […]
  • New Zealand’s Takahes propose free cruises for Non-Flying Birds
    New Zealand’s Takahē Union (NZTU) has pitched a bold plan to stimulate the economy after the coronavirus pandemic. NZTU has called for free cruise vouchers to be handed out to non-flying birds in a bid to kickstart the economy. Critics point out the plan is costly and will only benefit certain lazy birds. According to […]
  • #COVID19 Update Antarctica
    Zero new birds were diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 24 hours and zero new deaths were reported in Antarctica. Antarctica spokesbird Aysel Gómez said on Thursday that despite the low numbers of deaths and new cases, the penguin colony remains vigilant, and sea lions, human tourists or predator birds “should definitely stay away”. Spokesbird […]